
HDL functionality in reverse cholesterol transport--Challenges in translating data emerging from mouse models to human disease


Whereas LDL-derived cholesterol accumulates in atherosclerotic lesions, HDL particles are thought to facilitate removal of cholesterol from the lesions back to the liver thereby promoting its fecal excretion from the body. Because generation of cholesterol-loaded macrophages is inherent to atherogenesis, studies on the mechanisms stimulating the release of cholesterol from these cells and its ultimate excretion into feces are crucial to learn how to prevent lesion development or even induce lesion regression.

Modulation of this key anti-atherogenic pathway, known as the macrophage-specific reverse cholesterol transport, has been extensively studied in several mouse models with the ultimate aim of applying the emerging knowledge to humans.

The present review provides a detailed comparison and critical analysis of the various steps of reverse cholesterol transport in mouse and man. We attempt to translate this in vivo complex scenario into practical concepts, which could serve as valuable tools when developing novel HDL-targeted therapies.

2016 Jul;1861(7):566-83. doi: 10.1016/j.bbalip.2016.03.004. Epub 2016 Mar 9.


Review: The Changing Face of HDL and the Best Way to Measure It.



HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) is a commonly used lipid biomarker for assessing cardiovascular health. While a central focus has been placed on the role of HDL in the reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) process, our appreciation for the other cardioprotective properties of HDL continues to expand with further investigation into the structure and function of HDL and its specific subfractions. The development of novel assays is empowering the research community to assess different aspects of HDL function, which at some point may evolve into new diagnostic tests.


This review discusses our current understanding of the formation and maturation of HDL particles via RCT, as well as the newly recognized roles of HDL outside RCT. The antioxidative, antiinflammatory, antiapoptotic, antithrombotic, antiinfective, and vasoprotective effects of HDL are all discussed, as are the related methodologies for assessing these different aspects of HDL function. We elaborate on the importance of protein and lipid composition of HDL in health and disease and highlight potential new diagnostic assays based on these parameters.


Although multiple epidemiologic studies have confirmed that HDL-C is a strong negative risk marker for cardiovascular disease, several clinical and experimental studies have yielded inconsistent results on the direct role of HDL-C as an antiatherogenic factor. As of yet, our increased understanding of HDL biology has not been translated into successful new therapies, but will undoubtedly depend on the development of alternative ways for measuring HDL besides its cholesterol content.

Human Apolipoprotein C-III - A New Intrahepatic Protein Factor Promoting Assembly and Secretion of Very Low density Lipoproteins

Cardiovasc Hematol Disord Drug Targets. 2012 Oct 1Abstract

Apolipoprotein (apo) C-III is a small protein (79 amino acids) and a component of triacylglycerol (TAG)-rich very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) and high density lipoproteins (HDL). We have unraveled a new intracellular role of apoC-III in promoting hepatic VLDL1 (Sf > 100) assembly/secretion under lipid-rich conditions. Feeding apoc3-null mice with a high fat diet for two weeks or palm oil gavage failed to stimulate VLDL1 production in vivo. Reconstitution of apoC-III expression using adenovirus encoding human apoC-III resulted in robust production of VLDL1 containing apoB-100 or apoB-48. The stimulatory effect of human apoC-III on the assembly and secretion of VLDL1 was recapitulated ex vivo in McA-RH7777 cells cultured in lipid-rich media. Metabolic labeling experiments showed that apoC-III plays a central role in (i) the formation of lumenal lipid droplets (LLD) rich in TAG, and (ii) promoting bulk TAG incorporation during VLDL1 assembly. Structure-function analysis of naturally occurring apoC-III variants (Ala23Thr and Lys58Glu) defined two functional domains that play respective roles in LLD formation and VLDL1 assembly. Unraveling the intracellular role of apoC-III in the atherogenic TAG-rich VLDL1 production provides new insights into the strong influence of the APOA5-A4-C3-A1 gene locus on plasma TAG concentrations and premature atherosclerosis

Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, Ottawa Institute of Systems Biology, 451 Smyth Road, University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1H 8M5.

Non–High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Concentration is Associated with the Metabolic Syndrome among US Youth Aged 12-19 Years

To test the hypothesis that the concentration of non–high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (non–HDL-C) is associated with the metabolic syndrome (MetS) in youth.

Study design
Data on children and adolescents aged 12-19 years (n = 2734) from the cross-sectional National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2004 were analyzed.

Depending on the definition of MetS used, the mean non–HDL-C concentration among youth with MetS ranged from 144.2 to 155.8 mg/dL, compared with 108.8-109.1 mg/dL in those without MetS (all P < .001). The MetS prevalence ranged from 6.9% to 11.7% in youth with a non–HDL-C concentration of 120–144 mg/dL and from 21.5% to 23.4% in those with a concentration ≥145 mg/dL—both significantly higher than the prevalence of 1.9%-3.4% in youth with a concentration <120 mg/dL (all P < .001). After adjustment for potential confounders, youth with a non–HDL-C concentration ≥120 mg/dL or ≥145 mg/dL were about 3 or 4 times more likely to have MetS compared with those with a non–HDL-C <120 mg/dL or <145 mg/dL (all P < .001).

Fasting non–HDL-C concentration was strongly associated with MetS in US youth. Our results support the use of non–HDL-C thresholds of 120 mg/dL and 145 mg/dL to indicate borderline and high MetS risk, respectively.

Abbreviations: apo, Apolipoprotein; AUC, Area under the curve; BMI, Body mass index; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CRP, C-reactive protein; DBP, Diastolic blood pressure; IDF, International Diabetes Federation; IDL-C, Intermediate-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C, Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; MetS, Metabolic syndrome; NCEP/ATP III, Third National Cholesterol Education Program Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III); NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; Non–HDL-C, Non–high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; PDAY, Pathobiological Determinants of Atherosclerosis in Youth; ROC, Receiver operating curve; SBP, Systolic blood pressure; VLDL-C, Very–low-density lipoprotein cholesterol

The Journal of Pediatrics
Volume 158, Issue 2, February 2011, Pages 201-207

Food debate boils again: good egg or bad egg?

In the 1980s, eggs were the dietary equivalent of slow-acting poison.

Over the next 20 years, a mountain of research showing that eggs do not have a major impact on cholesterol levels, combined with pricey marketing campaigns from egg producers, helped to clear their name. Now, eggs occupy coveted positions on brunch menus across the country and are even growing popularity as producers fortify them with omega-3 fatty acids and offer organic, cage-free and free-run varieties.

Then, a few days ago, Canadian researchers made waves when they said one egg yolk is worse, cholesterol-wise, than KFC’s Double Down sandwich, a notorious fast-food legend that replaces the traditional bun with two pieces of chicken slathered with bacon, sauce and cheese. The researchers published a report in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology warning that egg consumption can be dangerous to a person’s health and that it is wrong to assume that dietary cholesterol from eggs is harmless.

“Dietary cholesterol, including egg yolks, is harmful to the arteries,” the report says. “Stopping the consumption of egg yolks after a stroke or [heart attack] would be like quitting smoking after a diagnosis of lung cancer: a necessary action, but late.”

“Dietary cholesterol, including egg yolks, is harmful to the arteries,” the report says. “Stopping the consumption of egg yolks after a stroke or [heart attack] would be like quitting smoking after a diagnosis of lung cancer: a necessary action, but late.”

The more things change, it seems, the more they stay the same.

But does this new report mean that egg-yolk naysayers were right all along?

Cholesterol emerged as a nutritional bogeyman in the 1960s, pushing some Canadians to reject butter in favour of margarine and to abandon eggs altogether. Sweeping public-health campaigns were launched to warn citizens of the perils of egg consumption amid fears that cholesterol in the yolks was a major contributor to cardiovascular problems.

The thinking was that the dietary cholesterol found in eggs could significantly boost levels of blood cholesterol found naturally in the body and consequently raise an individual’s risk of developing heart disease.

Over time, however, a growing amount of research began to suggest that dietary cholesterol – or the cholesterol found in food we eat – has less of an impact than originally believed on the body’s overall levels.

Most of the cholesterol circulating in the bloodstream is actually produced in the liver, research has shown. The rest is derived from dietary sources, such as the cholesterol found in egg yolks, dairy products, meats and other foods.

Although cholesterol has long suffered from a negative public image, it plays an essential role in the proper function of cell membranes and helps the body produce important vitamins and bile and perform other processes.

Although cholesterol has long suffered from a negative public image, it plays an essential role in the proper function of cell membranes and helps the body produce important vitamins and bile and perform other processes.

There are two types of cholesterol: low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). LDL carries cholesterol to the body’s cells from the liver and is known as “bad” cholesterol because when there is too much of it, it promotes the build-up of plaque in arteries, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. HDL cholesterol, on the other hand, is considered “good” because it helps to carry LDL cholesterol away from artery walls.

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in April, 1999, found that people who consumed an egg a day did not face an increased risk of heart attack or stroke. It was a definitive piece of evidence that helped to repair the reputation of eggs as part of a healthy diet, when consumed in moderation.

David Spence, a stroke-prevention expert at the University of Western Ontario and co-author of the new report questioning the value of eggs, said the study, and others like it, are flawed. He pointed out that diabetics in the 1999 study faced higher cardiovascular risks with increased egg consumption. Similar problems may not have been detected in healthy patients because the study did not follow them long enough, he added.

Dr. Spence said marketing campaigns have wrongly convinced Canadians that they can safely consume eggs without a fear of long-term health risks.

But his opinions clash with a wider consensus in the medical community.

In the years since the 1999 study was published, more research has shown that saturated and trans fats are much more likely to raise an individual’s blood cholesterol levels and fuel the risk of heart problems.

Of course, there are some caveats. Certain people are more sensitive to the effects of dietary cholesterol than others and need to watch their consumption to avoid potential problems. People who are at an increased risk of heart attack, stroke or other cardiovascular problems should also watch their intake of dietary cholesterol, said Rosie Schwartz, a Toronto-based dietitian and author.

But she emphasized that Canadians should not fixate on cholesterol alone. High blood pressure, a diet high in fat, being overweight and a sedentary lifestyle are all factors that can contribute to serious health problems.

“We need to really look at all the issues of heart disease,” Ms. Schwartz said.


High-density lipoproteins and cardiovascular disease: 2010 update.

High-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) is a continuous inverse cardiovascular risk factor. The mechanisms by which HDLs protect against atherosclerosis are multiple. The major effect is thought to be reverse cholesterol transport, the mechanism by which excess cellular cholesterol is returned to the liver for excretion in the bile.

HDLs also have pleiotropic roles: they decrease inflammation, prevent low-density lipoprotein oxidation, vascular endothelial cell apoptosis and thrombosis, and improve vascular endothelial function. Recent studies suggest that nascent HDL particles are metabolized rapidly and that their components (Apo AI, cholesterol and phospholipids) are rapidly exchanged within lipoprotein classes. There are many causes of HDL-C deficiency. Using Mendelian randomization, several groups have concluded that many genetic forms of HDL deficiency do not increase cardiovascular risk.

This raises the controversial issue of the causality of low HDL-C as a cardiovascular risk factor, rather than a marker of cardiovascular health. This is reflected in the importance of lifestyle in determining HDL-C levels. The treatment of low HDL-C remains controversial, in part because the only currently available effective medication, niacin, is relatively poorly tolerated and outcomes studies on cardiovascular disease prevention are still pending

Alwaili K, Awan Z, Alshahrani A, Genest J.

Cardiovascular Research Laboratories, McGill University Health Centre/Royal Victoria Hospital, 687 Pine Avenue West, Montréal, Quebec, Canada.

Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. 2010 Mar;8(3):413-23.


Liver X receptor agonist inhibits proliferation of ovarian carcinoma cells stimulated by oxidized low density lipoprotein

We previously observed an association between ovarian cancer outcome and statin use and hypothesized lipoproteins have direct effects on ovarian cancer proliferation. Here we investigate the direct effects of low density lipoprotein (LDL) and oxidized LDL (oxLDL) on proliferation and the inhibitory effects of fluvastatin and a liver X receptor (LXR) agonist.

The effects of LDL, oxLDL, the LXR agonist TO901317, fluvastatin and cisplatin on cellular proliferation were determined using MTT assays. LXR pathway proteins were assayed by immunoblotting. Cytokine expression was determined by antibody array.

Concentrations of oxLDL as small as 0.1 μg/ml stimulated CAOV3 and SKOV3 proliferation, while LDL had no effect. TO901317 inhibited the proliferation of CAOV3, OVCAR3 and SKOV3 cells stimulated by oxLDL. Fluvastatin inhibited oxLDL mediated proliferation of CAOV3 and SKOV3. Cardiotrophin 1 (CT-1) was mitogenic to CAOV3 and SKOV3, was induced by oxLDL, and was reversed by TO901317. OxLDL increased cisplatin IC50s by 3.8 μM and > 60 μM for CAOV3 and SKOV3 cells, respectively. The LXR pathway proteins CD36, LXR, and ABCA1 were expressed in eight ovarian carcinoma cell lines (A2780, CAOV3, CP70, CSOC882, ES2, OVCAR3, SKOV3).

OxLDL reduced ovarian carcinoma cell chemosensitivity and stimulated proliferation. These effects were reversed by LXR agonist or fluvastatin. The LXR agonist also inhibited expression of the ovarian cancer mitogen CT-1. These observations suggest a biologic mechanism for our clinical finding that ovarian cancer survival is associated with statin use. Targeting LXR and statin use may have a therapeutic role in ovarian cancer.

Daniel R. Scolesa, b, , , Xuan Xua, Haimei Wangc, Hang Trana, Barbie Taylor-Hardingb, Andrew Lia, b and Beth Y. Karlana, b

aWomen's Cancer Research Institute and Division of Gynecologic Oncology, CSMC Burns and Allen Research Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, 8700 Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA, USA

bDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA

cDivision of Cardiothoracic Surgery, CSMC Burns and Allen Research Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, 8700 Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Received 17 April 2009. Available online 24 October 2009.